THE Provincial Capacity Development Fund (PCDF) is attracting interest from Development partners that are keen to support the scheme.
Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening (MPGIS) Stanley Dick Pirione said donor interest was expressed during a number of consultations last year.
According to Pirione, the European Union through UNDP and UNICEF has indicated a funding support of $78M dollars to support for Education and health sector for the next five years.
Similarly, the World Bank has made a commitment of US$21 million to support the PCDF for the next five years while the European Union is committing 7 million Euros for Climate resilience and infrastructures. Others on the list included the UNDP Climate resilience programs, DFAT and other partners.
The National Government has fully supported this program since 2014 after the EU and RAMSI ended their presence with continued funding with an increase from $30 million to $60M this year.
Meanwhile, PCDF Assessment for the 9 provinces has started late last year and will continue for the first quarter of 2022.