TWENTY creative art students selected from three secondary schools in Honiara participated in a three day workshop on how to bring awareness to people through mural and graffiti art.
This workshop is part of the South Pacific Community “Wake Up Project”.
Participants were selected from Saint Nicholas, Mbua Valley, Coronation and Koloale secondary schools.
Organisers said as part of the workshop, participants learn about Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) and how to bring awareness about NCDs through art.
Dr Si Thu Win Thin and other representatives from SPC conducted the workshop with the support of our local artist Lloyd Newton to help the participating students craft their NCD message through art.
The students then created a mural with the theme Healthy Pacific.
Ministry of Health and Medical Services NCD team leader Nevalyn Laesango told Solomon Star that the wall depicts an unhealthy lifestyle and paddling to the future of healthy eating and healthy Pacific.
“The youths came up with the concept themselves and later performed their artistic talent into beautiful, colourful and meaningful art that shows a deep message about NCD,” Ms Laesango said.
“I’m so amazed by the talent and bursting creativity and teamwork these young people displayed.”
She said with NCD the leading killer of people in Solomon Islands, everyone must practicing healthy eating habits and living a healthy lifestyle.
The workshop was held from March 14th to March 16th 2023.
Solomon Star, Honiara