The Premiers’ Gizo Communique on the Draft Federal Constitution and the review of the Provincial Government Act (PGA1997) signed last week is expected to be delivered to the Prime Minister this week.
The country’s nine Provincial Premiers and the Deputy Mayor of Honiara City Council met to discuss the two documents in Gizo from 3-6 April.
The special Premiers meeting was organised by the Constitutional Reform Unit in the Prime Minister’s Office supported by the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening (MPGIS) to deliberate on the Draft Federal constitution and the current review of the PGA1997.
Over a period of four days, the Premiers and the Deputy Mayor of Honiara City Council deliberated and expressed their views on the documents with guidance from legal experts’ and officials.
The Premiers communique culminated from in-depth and intensive deliberations on presentations by legal experts and officials on the features, challenges and implications of the documents to seek the Premiers’ views on the way forward regarding the Draft Federal Constitution.
The meeting provides an opportunity for the Premiers to have a greater understanding on the Draft Federal Constitution and its implications on the future direction for implementation.
The Minister for Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening, Rolland Seleso who presided over the meeting is expected to deliver the Gizo Communique to the Prime Minister.