KWAREA Community High school in West Kwara’ae has resumed classes after weeks of negotiation between stakeholders and the landowning groups.
The school was closed down for an indefinite period following threats and demands for money by landowners that affected over 900 students.
However, despite the reopening of the school, the Malaita Province Education Authority is still to post an official administrator for the secondary strand.
For the primary strand, the school now has a new head teacher.
In an interview with this paper, Acting Provincial Education Officer for the central region in Malaita, Fred Toloae, confirmed that the school had resumed its classes.
He said students and teachers have already returned to school and are continuing with their normal schooling activities.
However, Mr Toloa clarified that the Education authority has halted the Kwarea secondary sector cheque book from the school and will only release cheque payment based on presentation of the requisition form at the office of the authority.
He added that since there is no official school administrator for the secondary, the authorities will assist the school in the area of withdrawing the school grant.
He urges parents, teachers, community leaders and school stakeholders to maintain a good working relationship to allow children continue with their education learning.
He said learning of children is very important and stakeholders must continue to work together to ensure children continue to access learning.
Solomon Star, Auki