THE Speaker of National Parliament, Sir John Patteson Oti has positively responded to an urgent appeal by the National Referral Hospital’s (NRH’s) Paediatric Department to assist six children with congenital heart disease to travel to Fiji for heart surgeries.
In response to the appeal, Sir John, in a small by moving ceremony on Thursday last week handed a return air ticket to the mother of 11-months old Gelisha Hou to travel to Fiji last Saturday. Little Gelisha is one of the six children.
This was announced in by a statement from the National Parliament Office.
According to the statement, the mother emotionally accepted the kind assistance and thanked Sir John for his generous support to assist her sick child to travel to Fiji to get a much-needed heart surgery.
The handover of the return air ticket to Gelisha’s mother was witnessed by one of the Paediatrician, Dr Bardley Ludawane, who has worked tirelessly to arrange the medical trip for the six children.
With the support received from Sir John, Gelisha’s family confirmed she travelled to Fiji last Saturday.
D Ludawana told Solomon Star last week that each of the six children would be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Solomon Star, Honiara