MALAITA Province’s representatives in the 12th Parliament comprise four new faces and 10 returnees.
The four new faces are Daniel Waneoroa who is the MP-elect for North Malaita replacing Senley Filualea, Ben Maenu who is MP-elect for Lau-Mbaelelea replacing Augustine Auga, Ricky Fuo’o MP-elect for Central Kwara’ae replacing Jackson Fiulaua and Polycarp Paea MP-elect for Malaita Outer Islands (MOI).
The returnees are Rick Hou MP-reelect for Small Malaita, Claudius Tei’ifi MP-reelect for West Kwaio, Matthew Wale MP-reelect for Aoke-Langalanga, Peter Kenilorea Junior MP re-elect for East Are Are, Alfred Tuasulia MP-reelect for West Kwara’ae, John Maneniaru MP-reelect for West Are Are, Manasseh Maelanga MP-reelect for East Malaita, Rexon Ramofafia MP-reelect for Fataleka, Makirio Tagini MP-reelect for Baegu-Asifola and Stanley Sofu MP-reelect for West Kwaio.
The election result of the 14 constituencies are as follows:
For North Malaita Constituency. The results are as follows, Daniel Suilea Waneoroa 2,538 votes, Jimmy Lusibaea 2,259 votes, Patteson Saeni 1,956 votes, Senley Filualea 1,632 votes, Jack Waneoroa 883 votes, Riimana Lauomea 269 votes and Elton Osiagalo 107 votes.
For Lau/Mbaelelea constituency, the results are as follow, Ben Maenu 3108 votes, Maeue Augustine Auga 3007votes, Raurau Timothy 1841 votes, Gustine John Aruifiu 1114 votes, Philip Harry 1037 votes, Auta Kemuel 792 votes, Tabai Frank Konairara 420 votes, Boe Barnabas 295 votes Diudi Abel 148 votes, Talo Fredrick 131 and Laefasia Jodan Lee 42 votes.
For central Kwara’ae constituency, the results are as follows, Ricky Fuo’o 5,208 votes,Jackson Fiulaua 1,831 votes, Hamilton Young Wate 1,537 votes ,Billy Fito’o 1,493 votes,Mahlon Muala 378 votes ,Maeaku Misi 184 votes, Peter Mae 94 votes, John Talu 88 votes ,Samuel Lamani 55 votes and James Lagwai 14 votes.
For Malaita Outer Islands Constituency, the results are as follows, PAEA Polycarp 1657 votes, KEALOE Martin Mokolo 1003 votes, KIKIOLO Michael 93 votes, ALALO Florrie KEALAU 58 votes, MA’AI Mathias 20 votes.
For Small Malaita constituency, the result are as follows, Houenipwel Rick Nelson 2229 votes,Ngati Reginal Sanau 1242 votes, William Haomae 1068 votes,luimae solomon 980 votes,Bilaupaine Frank sade 839 votes,Upwe Barnabas 566 votes.
For West Kwaio constituency, the result are as follows, Claudius Tei’ifi 4,888 votes, Kennedy Aiapu 1,424 votes, Faganaoa Maesua 874 votes.
For Aoke Langalnga constituency, theresults are as follows, WALE Matthew Cooper 4314 votes, FILIA David 1348 votes, ANISI Vincent Talauburi 488 votes, KOTI Peter Obadiah 257 votes and WALEANISIA Joseph 108 votes.
For East Are Are constituency, the results are as follow, Junior Kenilorea 4,139 votes, Same Manepora’a 2,055 votes and Edward Huitarau 30 votes.
For West Kwara’ae constituency, the result are as follows, Alfred Tuasulia votes 5,621, Fred Ramoli 1,499 votes, Koba’a Oikali 525 votes, and Lidimani Alasia 191 votes.
For West Are Are constituency. The result are as follows, John Maneniaru 3,047 votes, Elizabeth Kausimae 1,599 votes, Paul Wakio 565 votes, Chanel Ramohia 395 votes, Houmaha Susuta 66 votes and Anihehero Waroka 9 votes.
For East Malaita constituency, the result are as follows: Manasseh Maelanga 2,844 votes, Faabasua Manibili 1,472 votes, William Baefua 1,008 votes,Molakah Atoa 679 votes, Benedict Idu 19 votes.
For Fatalek Constituency, the result are as follows, Annex Ramofafia 4,869 votes , Moffat Ramofafia 1,771 votes, William Abana 735 votes, Robert Iamaea 22 votes, John Itea 21 votes.
For Baegu Asifola constituency, the results are as follows, Makariao Tagini 2391 votes, Celsus Talifilu 2147 votes, Buga Douglas 1009 votes, Kakai Lionel 513 votes and Kouta Rexford Macau 334 votes.
For East Kwaio constituency, the result are as follows, Stanley Sofu ,1,688 votes, Solomon Sasako 1,520 votes, Simon Baete 1,385 votes, Nelson Lenty 1,075 votes, Kenita Ari 660 votes, Rubea Alabeti 411 votes, Fika Albert 324 votes, Danny Fafaka 101 votes, Elison Gauwane 36 votes and Graig Irenson 10 votes.
Of the 14 elected members, only four are new comers who unseated 4 Ownership, Unity and Responsibility Party candidates in the recent election.
The four new elected members are Daniel Waneoroa unseat Senley Levi Filualea, Ben Maenu unseated Augustine Auga Maeue, Ricky Fuo’o unseat Jackson Fiulaeua and Polycarp Paea unseated Martin Mokolo Kealoe.
Solomon Star, Auki