THE 12th Parliament will be convened for its members to take their oaths of office and allegiance and thereafter, elect a new Speaker and Deputy Speaker.
This was announced by Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele at his first press conference last Friday.
“The next business to attend to is the Parliament Meeting where all Members of Parliament will be taking their oaths before electing the Speaker and Deputy Speaker.”
Prime Minister Manele said he has written to the Governor General Sir David Vunagi suggesting the possible date for the commencement of the 12th Parliament for the oath-taking ceremony for Members of Parliament.
“His Excellency will announce the date of the first meeting of the 12th Parliament soon by proclamation to be published in the gazette in accordance with section 72 of the Constitution.
“After the Election of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker, a Special Adjournment Motion will be moved for Parliament to adjourn for a day in June,” he added.
Prime Minister Manele added that the Term of Office of the current Governor General will lapse on 7 July 2024 and thus, when Parliament sits in June, it will elect the Governor General.
He said he intends to move a Motion of Adjournment thereafter to give an opportunity for MPs to speak on the motion and thank their constituents for electing them.
Solomon Star, Honiara