Buala police have arrested eight suspects during an investigation operation on Hograno, Katova, Kia, and Havulei (HKKH) constituencies in Isabel province recently.
The nine-day investigation operation was targeted for new reported cases during the month of October 2024.
Supervising Provincial Police Commander (PPC) Isabel Province, Inspector Harry Vanosi, said a total of eight new cases were registered and completed during the investigation operation, while one case is still active on investigation.
PPC Vanosi said the suspects have been charged with different offences and will appear before Buala Magistrates’ Court on November 25, 2024.
Inspector Vanosi said among the eight arrests, a suspect of an indecent act has been arrested, charged, and remanded for his court trial on a later date.
Mr. Vanosi said the police team during the investigation operation has assisted Samasodu community leaders to mediate domestic violence and simple larceny issues.
The elders were very happy with the work and the contribution the team offers in assisting them in addressing the issues.
“I acknowledge my good people in Isabel, especially those communities’ police have been visiting during the nine-day investigation operation. Your support in working closely with the police is much appreciated,” said PPC Vanosi.