CONSTRUCTION work on the 2.5-million-dollar Ado Rural Farmers Association Mini Hydro Project in Falake village, West Kwara’ae Constituency in Malaita Province will commence soon.
Funded by the Japanese government under its Grassroots and Human Security Project in 2023, the micro-hydropower project is poised to bring significant energy development to the project target community.
Shipment of equipment for the micro-hydropower project has arrived at the project site in Falake and it signals the soon commencement of project implementation.
A photo showcasing the progress of the hydro project was posted on social media earlier this week, attracting much attention.
Many commended the initiative and emphasised its benefits to the project recipient community.
One of the social media commentators Anthony Seketa highlighted the progress of the work and the importance of the project to Falake village and even nearby communities.
“This project will benefit the Falake village and its neighbouring villages. A project of this scale has the potential to serve other surrounding communities as well,” Mr Seketa said.
Late last year, Chairman of the Ado Rural Farmers Association Pius Itea confirmed that the essential materials for the Falake Hydropower Project reached Malaita.
Mr Itea expressed the community’s commitment to supporting the project and ensuring the safe receipt and transportation of the equipment to the project site.
Solomon Star, Auki