The Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) is facilitating a two day appeal for freewill donations from the public to support victims of the Vanuatu earthquake.
Donations are welcomed as of today, Thursday until tomorrow, Friday.
In a statement this morning ACOM said; “If you are around Honiara and wishing to donate something towards our brothers and sisters in Vanuatu following the recent disaster (earthquake), please come to ACOM Provincial Headquarters opposite point Cruz Bulkshop.
“Just anything you wish to donate. Our staff are at the office to facilitate your donated goods,” the statement said.
Responsible officers will be at the ACOM headquarter till 6pm today and continue until tomorrow, Friday from 8am to 1pm.
Following the collection of all the donated items Southern Cross will depart for Vanuatu this Friday evening.
“Thanks to those of you who have already responded to our call,” the statement said.
The Church’s Flagship the MV Southern Cross Southern Cross will head to Vanuatu to provide free shipment of food supplies to victims of earthquake from the Northern islands to Port Vila.

ACOM said, it is guided by her mission statement to demonstrate God’s love in responding to human needs in loving service, in both peace and disaster time by providing free shipment of food supplies and non-food items to affected communities.
All collected food will go directly to the Food Security and Agriculture Cluster (FSAC) to assist affected families.
Anglican Church in Vanuatu is part of the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) which also includes Solomon Islands and New Caledonia.
So far about 16 lives have been lost following the disaster.
Vanuatu is also affected by heavy showers over the past days.