Dear Editor – It was very satisfying to read in your newspaper yesterday, 26 August, that several people with disabilities from communities all around Honiara will participate in a sports ‘Fun Day’ at the Maranatha Hall.
What was all the more pleasing was the report that the event was to raise awareness and for the promotion of inclusive sports to empower people with disabilities to develop and display their abilities in various sports and for sports trainers to practice training them.
This represents an excellent beginning but it must not stop at just encouraging involvement in sports activities for the question of awareness of the rights and needs of the people with disabilities in our society extends into the promotion of work skills and employment opportunities.
It is my hope that all those who will be attending the ‘Fun Day’ as visitors will embrace a vision to ensure those courageous and talented disabled persons are given equal opportunities off the field of play and that their lives will be enriched by skills training leading to work and self-satisfaction.
My appreciation and thanks to all those concerned in the organisation of the ‘Fun Day’ events.
Frank Short
Bangkok, Thailand