Dear Editor – Farmers of the Weather Coast in Guadalcanal Province have continually expressed their disappointment over feeling neglected as their leaders and the province allegedly fail to recognise their struggles.
Your paper last week reported that the farmers, who operate under an umbrella body called the Akutoga Association, made a statement claiming that they have been struggling alone to bring their products to market to assist their families overcome the demand of education and health services.
A spokesperson for the Akutoga Association stressed that farmers reach the Honiara market only four times annually due to lack of transportation.
There are many international organization working in developing countries to aid rural-urban transport to market options and here are just four of them and perhaps it would be worthwhile for the Guadalcanal Provincial Government to investigate if help could be made available.
The International Institute for Environment and Development, 80-86 Gray____s Inn Road, London, WC1X 8NH, UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 3463 7399.
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Centre for Agrarian Systems Research and Development (CASRAD)
Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurale.
Yours sincerely.
Frank Short