POLICE on Tuesday have arrested a 50-year-old man who allegedly indecently assaulted a five-year-old girl in Fauambu in West Kwara’ae, Malaita early this month.
Acting Police Commissioner Mostyn Mangau on Thursday said with the community’s assistance Police in Auki managed to arrest the 50-year-old man on Tuesday afternoon.
“Police Auki manage arrest this 50-year-old man at Marokafo village at West Fataleka on 18 February in the afternoon,” Mr Mangau said.
Police have been hunting for the suspect since he escaped after the alleged incident on February 7.
Mr Mangau said the suspect was taken to Auki for further dealings.
He acknowledged the good work done by Police in Auki.
“I commended the PPC, his officers and also the community in Malaita for their continuous support to police officers in Malaita province to deal with crimes in the province.
The five-year-old girl was sent to get leaf for betel-nut on February 7, when she met up with the suspect.
The suspect allegedly indecently assaulted the kid by touching her private body part in a bush behind the little girl’s home.
The little girl conveyed what happened to her mother after complaining of pain to her mother when she was having her shower.
The matter was then reported to the Domestic Violence unit in Auki and an investigation was carried out.
Police went to the area after the matter was reported but the suspect, however, escaped from the village.