An Alliance Party Government will ensure all the nine provinces will have strong and viable economies before they can attain their statehood.
The aim is spelt out in the People’s Alliance Party 2014 National Elections Manifesto.
The manifesto said PAP is committed to ensuring that when the provinces become states under the Draft Federal System of Government, they will be self-reliant and will no longer be entirely dependent on the federal government to function.
The manifesto adds a PAP government will ensure Solomon Islands shall adopt the draft federal constitution between 2015 and 2025.
And a PAP government will also ensure the new federal constitution will provide legal framework to recognise chiefs and elders in villages as they have been providing leadership and peace among their people.
The People’s Alliance Party strongly believes village chiefs, church leaders and elders have been playing both a vital and pivotal role in nation building and community harmony.
By George Atkin