Auki police has called on all Malaitans who are still holding onto firearms to surrender them to police while the final amnesty and voluntary surrender period is still open.
The final amnesty period started from May 22 and will expire next Friday – the 9th of June.
The Auki deputy Provincial Police Commander Timothy Apaesi made the call when speaking to the public at the BSP compound in Auki last Friday.
Mr. Apaesi appealed to any Malaitan who still hold on illegal guns in to surrender them while the final amnesty period is still valid.
He said the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) is now re-armed and ready to protect this country.
“Therefore anyone who still have illegal guns in their possession must turn in their gunds before they caught up by the law.
“Please I wan to appeal to the Malaita public and to anyone who is still holding on to guns to surrender them to police,” he appealed to the public.
Mr. Apaesi also made it clear that those that surrender their guns before the final amnesty period expires will not be persecuted by the law.
“But anyone police caught in position of firearms or ammunition after the amnesty periods expires will definitely face the full force of law.
“Therefore its time that the public work together with our local police force to ensure there is peace after RAMSI leaves in weeks time.”
In Auki