But Gov’t says the number is yet to be finalised
A LONG list of potential political appointees was leaked on Forum Solomon Islands International (FSII) facebook group yesterday, attracting questions and criticisms from contributors.
It made up of 39 names – the highest number of political appointees the nation has seen by any government – and is billed to cost taxpayers $12 million a year in salaries and benefits.
But the prime minister’s press secretary Deli Oso said the government is yet to finalise the list of its political appointees.
Mrs Oso said she doesn’t know how the list finds its way prematurely onto social media when the number of appointees is yet to be finalised.
“I am also one of the political appointees whose appointment is yet to be formalised,” she said.
Special Secretary to Prime Minister, Rence Sore earlier told the media that names of political appointees will be announced in “coming weeks”.
Commentators yesterday criticised the long list of names, saying it does not reflect the change the Sogavare-led Democratic Coalition for Change was talking about.
Here’s the full list of would be political appointees:
A. Chief of Staff PIMEU (Level SS4): George Kuper
B. Policy Secretaries
1. Policy Secretary (SS4) – Fundamental Reform: Warren Paia
2. Policy Secretary (SS4) – Sectoral Reform Productive Sector: Dr Gabriel Titili
3. Policy Secretary (SS4) -Sectoral Reform Resource Sector: Dr Christopher Vehe Sagapoa
4. Policy Secretary (SS4 – Sectoral Reform Social Sector: Dr Fred Isom Rohorua
C. National Consultants (All level SS3)
1. Aviation & Infrastructure: Alloysio Poiohia
2. Commerce & Tourism: Martin Housanau
3. Agriculture & Fisheries: Edward Kingmele
4. Mines & Energy: Walton Naezon
5. Rural Development: John K Taufunu
6. Forestry & Environment: Simbe Paza
7. Education: Jennifer Fugui
8. Health: Collin Bentley
9. Women, Youth & Reconciliation: Francis Orodani
10. Governance: John Kouni
11. Economics: Jeffrey Samuel
12. Law & Justice: Christopher Waiwori
13. Land Management: Genesis Kofana
1. SSPM (SS4): Rence Sore
2. Media Consultant: Alfred Sasako (Level not supplied)
3. Press Secretary (SS3): Deli Oso
4. International Relations Secretary (SS3): George Tausiria
5. Private Secretary (SS3): Ronald Fugui
6. Assistant Press Secretary (L12): Chirs Leua
7. National Security (L12): Oliver Twist Osi
8. EPS: Lincy Indu (Level not supplied)
9. Logistical & Administrative Officer: Silas Fakani (Level not supplied)
1. Chairman: Jackson Fiulaua
2. Secretary to Caucus (SS3): Sarah Susuta Yee
3. Director (SS2) Political Administration: Barry Samson
4. Director (SS2) Political Research: Tommy Mana
5. Director (SS2) Party Liaison Officer: Robert C Taro
6. Admin Liaison (L12): George Atkin
7. Research Officer (L12): David Palapu
8. Party Liaison Officer (L12): Jimmy Manewai
9. Admin Liaison (L12): Shadrack Fisango
10. Research Officer (L12): Thompson Teika
11. Admin Liaison (L12): Francis Para
12. Research Officer (L12): Selwyn Kole