PRINCIPAL of Aligegeo provincial scondary school (APSS) Robert Lafisi on Tuesday congratulated his form six students for a very good performance last year.
The high performance has seen 16 students made it through to form seven this year compared to the previous years.
He described the result as a breakthrough for the school since the inception of the form six in 2009.
More than 20 students were enrolled for forms six class last year.
Principal Lafisi said his administration wants to acknowledge those 16 students who proudly turned the history of the school last year.
“Since the formation of the form six, sometimes we only produce 1 or 3 students who passed out. Sometimes nil.
“But last year’s results were really encouraging and it has turned the history of the school that lifted my teaching emotions.”
The overjoyed school boss said, the result last year was very welcoming because of the commitment of teachers with students at the school.
“We will put more efforts this year to extend the results so that if possible the whole class will pass out.
“But it will depend entirely on how well students are serious with their studies and committed teachers to teach them.”
Most of his form six students are returning to do their form seven at the school this year.
APSS has implemented its form seven last year and this is its second year.
The principal urged the form six students to learn from last year and increase the number of pass outs.
In Auki