PRAYER is the secret to success.
This was the key message shared by the Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Melanesia the Most Reverend George Takeli in his first visit to Saint Stephen Parish at Taroaniara in the Diocese of Central Solomons (DOCS) on Sunday 24th July 2016.
He was sharing from the gospel reading in which Jesus taught his disciples how to pray.
He encourages Saint Stephen Parishioners, which comprises Church employees of Saint Clare’s Clinic, Taroaniara Shipyard, crew members of the MV Southern Cross, Bishop Koete Rural Training Center and MBH Household at Koloti, to have the passion of the disciples of Jesus who asked Him to teach them how to pray as quoted in Luke 11 verses 1-20.
“Through prayer and with little we have and Faith rooted in God, we can change our families, environment and buildings into good and new image because prayer is Renewal,” he stated.
“Even if we have small salary from our work or gardening, let us not forget to give God our tithe because only then can we be poured with more blessing in our lives;” he further reminded the congregation.
“We must not allow today’s increasing technology or Knowledge to influence or keep us busy that we forget to attend Church Services or even to have fellowship at homes;” he also said to the congregation.
“These can affect our families, work and the environment we live in if we do not use them right’, he stated.
Archbishop Takeli was accompanied by the ACOM General Secretary Dr. Abraham Hauriasi, ACOM Mission Secretary Fr. George Elo, Archbishop’s Private Secretary Michael Anita and representatives from the ACOM four religious communities.
This visit is part of Archbishop’s orientation visits since taking up office April this year.
“This visit will help me (Archbishop), the General Secretary and the Mission Secretary of the church to make effective planning us we continue to work for the betterment of our church (ACOM),”he said in his speech at the close of the Eucharistic service.
Taroaniara is one of ACOM’s first Mission Center where some early missionaries like Dr. Charles Fox spent most of their time.
Infrastructures, facilities and housings at Taroaniara are in no doubt getting old and the Church is in a process of reviving the station to boost the quality of services provided at the station.
The day’s program ended with feasting, entertainments and gift presentation.