THE Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism John Wasi has launched the National Archives Solomon Islands Records Management Handbook yesterday.
The launch coincides with the International Archives Day celebrations in Honiara.
The handbook was presented to the permanent secretary and NASI director Julian Chonigolo by Cathrine Green from Australian Volunteer International.
About 150 copies were issued yesterday where the public, guests and officials from various ministries get a copy of the handbook.
It was designed to provide government officers with tools and practical advice to assist in the management of the records which officers produce during their daily work.
The handbook includes information which will raise awareness of the importance of collecting and archiving government records, and it outlines records management responsibilities of government officers.
Mrs Chonigolo said the handbook is significant for government departments and officers to have efficient records management.
She added the handbook also supports records management policy.
Mr Wasi thanked Catherine Green for the hard work in putting together the handbook and printing it under funding from AVI.
He said good records management is essential to accountability, transparency and efficiency.