SOLOMON ISLANDS’ reporters were yesterday given a rare bird’s eye view of what ARK PEACE – China Navy hospital ship – embodies in its Mission Harmony 2023.
Rare access gave reporters a two-hour guided tour of the 178m-long ship which arrived in Honiara last Saturday.
ARK PEACE is under the command of Rear Admiral Zhao Guangqing and Rear Admiral Li Xinke. It is fully equipped for all and any medical emergencies, including operations, reporters were told.
Among its medical arsenal onboard were CT scan, Operating Theatres, Ex-Ray department, Eye and Dental departments as well as the Chinese traditional herbal medicine, Acupuncture, which China has practiced for more than 2, 000 years.
The visit has simply melted away any doubts about the level and quality of professional service on offer onboard, prompting one reporter to remark “those uploading misinformation on social media should come onboard to see for themselves what China has to offer.”
A male patient recovering in the operating theatre echoed a similar sentiment.
“These guys are what they say they are – highly trained to do their work,” the man said.
At every floor, there were Solomon Islanders waiting in line to be seen.

By 11am yesterday more than 500 outpatients have been seen, according to the record displayed on a large screen where the control centre is located. The Centre also records medications being given out daily.
The control centre is also used in emergency situations where a decision on whether to operate or not had to be made. Specialists onboard can use the centre to consult other specialists in China via telecommunications on board.
The Eye department proved to be very popular in Solomon Islands. One doctor explained that the reason why so many Solomon Islanders need eye treatment is because we are very close to the Equator – the imaginary line dividing the northern hemisphere from the south – where the sun shines brightest.
A visit to the unobstructed Captain’s Deck – an area usually off limit for many – ended yesterday’s Media Tour.
Mission Harmony 2023 when ARK PEACE set sail from Zhoushan, China in July this year.
In Honiara, the medical staff onboard are also providing free clinics in communities in and around Honiara, including Adeliua in Central Honiara and White River in West Honiara.
This year’s visit to Honiara is the first for the ship, which has already made port calls in Kiribati, Tonga and Vanuatu.
By Alfred Sasako