COMMUNITIES in the Auki Catholic Parish in Malaita celebrated this Christmas with holy masses at the Fasitoro Cathedral over two days.
The celebration started on Saturday with vigil mass and a midnight mass and ended on Sunday with Christmas mass.
The highlight of the celebration was a drama about birth of Jesus.
The liturgy celebration saw each zone in the parish take part in liturgy which including the dramatisation of the birth of the Saviour.
The Lilisiana zone led the liturgy mass and dramatised the birth of Jesus on Saturday, whilst the Sasale Zone and Fasitoro Zone led the Holy Mass liturgy on Sunday.
Like all other Catholic parishes, the Auki Catholic Parish regards Christmas as important event in the Church calendar for laities to commemorate the birth of God’s Son as a man.
Auki Catholic Diocesan Bishop, Reverend Peter Houhou emphasised reminded diocesans about the importance of celebrating the birth of Jesus – The connection and combination of the heaven and earth.

He also reminded them that the birth of Jesus is for all Christian denominations as it is the source of strength for any one’s faith in God.
Reverend Houhou touched on the story of three wise men who follow the bright star they saw to where Jesus was born.
He also reminded the diocesans to make right choices by following the right star that can strengthen their spiritual lives and faith in God.
“The star indicated that Christ is the light of the world and we must follow the right star during our journey so that we reach the right place.”
The Auki Catholic Diocesan Bishop said many things will happen in the coming year and encouraged each of his diocesans to prayerfully enter it and to take responsibility in whatever they encounter.
“New year is coming; we must continue pray, prepare and ready. There are many things coming ahead of us.”
Solomon star, Auki