Renbel govt welcomes court order

Last week’s High Court Order against the APID company has been welcomed as a relief-spell for the people and leadership of Renbel province.  In a statement, Renbel Premier Hon Collin Singamoana said, that this Order has brought some degree of respite and encouragement for them in their battle against the APID company, which has besieged…

Tanangada hits back

The MP for Gizo-Kolombangara Hon Jimson Tanangada says he was shocked at the manner in which prominent Independent Group politicians use cheap political tactics in their effort to garner public support, saying Solomon Islanders deserve better. Hon Tanagada was referring to an Independent Leader’s media statement on Friday which stated that he (Hon Tanangada) was…

New AIDS cases to be announced today

MINISTER or Health and Medical Services, Dr. Tautai Agikimua Kaitu’u will officially announce the new human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Aids cases in Solomon Islands today. This is part of marking the Word Aids Day, which falls on 1 December. Director of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) and HIV Dr. Henry Kako confirmed to Solomon Star on…

Review on financial inclusion underway

The Central Bank of Solomon Islands (CBSI) in partnership with the United Nations Pacific Financial Inclusion Programme (PFIP) will host a one-day  national workshop to review  the country’s’ financial Inclusion strategy and set the next medium term strategy (2016-2020) today. It will be held at the Heritage Park Hotel. The Solomon Islands National Financial Inclusion…