The forgotten teachers

Dear Editor – The practice is obvious again that the government is trying to defend its own interest by side tracking the teachers from being included in the review of the education act and the white paper as its final stages. The white paper has already pointed us in that direction. The tendency to blur…

Gov’t in total control

IN what appears to be a display show of strength against the looming no confidence motion against the Prime Minister this Friday, Government had aligned swearing in of 10 ministers at Government House yesterday. With this latest political twist, Government had claimed it now commands the support of 31 members of the 50 seat Parliament.…

PAP boosts membership

THE People’s Alliance Party (PAP) has six new members following the crossover of the entire Parliamentary Independent Group to the Democratic Coalition for Change Government (DCCG) earlier this week. The PAP is one of the coalition partners of DCCG. The other partners are United Democratic Party and Kandere Party. The new PAP members which include…

Maelanga congratulated

CONSTITUENTS of East Kwara’ae constituency say Manasseh Maelanga’s move to join the democratic Coalition for change Government (DCCG) is in their best interest. In the Eastern Stars Face book page, constituents in Honiara and overseas expressed their gratitude to Maelanga for making the move to join the DCCG this week. “Thank you Manasseh Maelanga for…

Motion set for tomorrow

DESPITE being in the minority, the Opposition Group will still move the motion of no confidence against Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare tomorrow. Leader of Opposition Jeremiah Manele confirmed this to the Solomon Star on Wednesday. He said his group sees moving the motion not only as a way to remove the Prime Minister but an…

Beche-de-mer trial sets to start

TRIAL will start early next month on the case of Dr Regional Aipia who was accused of harvesting and retaining beche-de-mer for export during a ban-period. The court was informed on Monday that arrangements are underway for witnesses to come over to Honiara from the Lord Howe Islands in the Malaita Outer Island. Public Prosecutor…