Top gov’t officials fail to attend workshop

THE absence of high profile government officers at the Family Violence and Youth Justice workshop indicates they do not prioritise family violence issues. High Court judge, Justice James Apaniai, who chaired Thursday’s discussions on looking at the way forward to help victims of violence, said high profile government officers were expected to attend the workshop.…

Bech-de-mer ban may be lifted sooner

WELL-PLACED government sources say the ban on beche-de-mer harvesting and export and may be lifted sooner than anticipated. One source told the Solomon Star Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo had stepped in to ensure the ban is lifted as soon as possible. The source also revealed that Prime Minister Lilo has directed the Attorney General…

Langalanga festival

Dear Editor – A Friend of mine who attended the shell money festival in the Langalanga Lagoon over the weekend commented that while it was interesting it was not well organised. If it had not been for a private party chartering a boat there would have been no real tourists there apart from the official…

Children say ‘No’ to mining

Rennell islanders united against miners CHILDREN on Renbel have joined their elders to oppose any mining activities planned for the province. Landowners’ spokesman George Tauika, who is also secretary of the Lake Tegano World Heritage Site Association, said no forms of mining will be accepted on their land. Children, youths, and elders of the province…

DPP hits out at judge over comments

DIRECTOR of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Ronald Bei Talasasa says he was dismayed by comments Justice Stephen Pallaras raised about his regular overseas travels. “The comments by the judge were not only erroneous, but unfounded, provocative and threatening,” Mr Talasasa said in a statement from Fiji, where he’s attending a conference. “I will not comment any…

11 awarded Taiwan scholarships

ELEVEN Solomon Islanders will receive their awards letter today to undertake their studies in Taiwan. The brief ceremony will take place at the Ministry of Education, where Taiwanese ambassador Victor Yu will present the students with their scholarship offers. Taiwan offers scholarships to students every year based on their academic results. Seven of the students…

Man arrested over cigarette theft

POLICE in Isabel have arrested a man in relation to the disappearance of a cartoon of cigarette two weeks ago. The incident occurred on board a ship traveling to Isabel. Buala station inspector Jerry Rofomana said the cartoon of cigarette was worth $8,000. He said the man was selling the cigarettes at various locations in…

Gov’t urged to pass family bill

THE Government is urged to pass the Family Protection Bill that is currently before Parliament. Chief Judge of New Zealand Family Court Peter Boshier, who is facilitating the four days workshop on Family Violence and Youth Justice, made this call on Wednesday. “I urged the Solomon Islands Government to pass this bill,” Justice Boshier said…