Griffith Uni and MSG sign pact

GRIFFITH University and the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Secretariat have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 30th January 2014 at the Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia to consolidate a framework for long-term collaboration and partnership between the organisations. The purpose of the MoU is to provide clear direction to the agreed activities and to strengthen…

US lauds gas project in PNG

United States Congressman and chair of the Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security Homeland Defence and Foreign Operations in the House of Representative Jason Chaffetz has thanked the Papua New Guinea government for its ongoing support of the PNG LNG project. He expressed gratitude when paying a courtesy call on Prime Minister Peter…

Getting it done leadership

Last week we looked at the first of the purpose-oriented characteristics of leadership ‘A leader must be a visionary person.’ The second characteristic of a purpose-oriented leadership is ‘turning vision into action.’ It’s easier to be passionate about the future if we can visualise where we want to go and how we are going to…

Are we better off?

Dear Editor – We are almost two months into 2014 and if reflect on what we have been through till now, we would agree that life is going from bad to worst. We continue to experience uncontrolled goods price rise, increased school fees, lack of basic drugs in both urban and rural clinics, no more…