Good work done but much remain

I am encouraged to read that the new Special Coordinator to the Regional Assistance Mission (RAMSI) has said she will continue to work with the RSIPF in support of the SIG-RAMSI five year development plan announced comparatively recently. I acknowledge the excellent work undertaken by RAMSI since 2003 in re-training and developing the capacity of…

PGSP supports Choiseul women

Women in Choiseul province have been seeking funds to build their own resource centre. But after many years searching for funds they are able to build one thanks to the provincial government strengthening programme (PGSP) which steps in to solve their problem. The women now have two storey permanent building at Kiruqela. PGSP is an…

16 days of Activism sets to start

PLANNING is underway for this year’s 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign.  This global campaign is dedicated to raising awareness and gaining wider support to end gender-based violence. The theme for this year’s campaign ‘If iumi garem peace insaed famili, bae iumi garem peace insaed kantri’, highlights that all forms of gender-based violence,…

What’s up in the Flag

You’ve seen the five stars embedded on the nation flag. But did you know what they mean? That’s the question local tour guides struggled with when they’re asked by tourists. The issue came into light during a workshop facilitated by Destination Solomon’s and Travel Solomon’s last week at the Rock Haven conference room in Honiara.…

Kwaio man launches new book at ANU

AT an exceptional occasion Tuesday this week at the Australian National University’s (ANU) University House, coinciding with the Solomon Islands Transition Workshop, a little known Esau Kekeubata of the interior of East Kwaio was given an uncommon honor to launch Dr David Akin’s book: Colonialism, Maasina Rule, and the Origins of Malaitan Kastom. Dr Akin…