NPF for whose interest?

It can choose to be transparent and reveal all or wait for the legal challenge or a Commission of Enquiry, or both, to unravel its callous handling of the Members’ Fund.  Last Wednesday 21 November, in the Solomon Star, Malaita Ma’asina Forum (MMF) warned NPF that if it did not come clean on certain actions…

Fellowship for our public officers

FOR the first time in the history of this country the government was able to organise a church fellowship program for its public officers. The country had seen the public officers engaging in social activities such as the inter-ministry league where public officers came together to compete in sporting activities. This is to address some…

Reforming the LCC

  THE Leadership Code Commission urgently needs to be reformed. This was one of the key messages delivered by the Taskforce on Political Integrity and Stability to the Premier’s Conference in Kira Kira last week. The Taskforce recommended that the LCC should be brought under the control of a new Independent Commission Against Corruption, a…

OBE is not sustainable in SI

There might be merits in OBE but what concern me most was the lack of consultation and proper debate on OBE and the speed at which it was introduced. OBE will affect the future of Solomon Islands in a drastic way, either for good or for worse. Hence, careful consideration, wide consultation and informed debate…

Threats from guns still remains

The incident on Sunday which involved the alleged shooting of an Asian logger near Geza village, North East Guadalcanal sends a message. It means there are still guns out there in the hands of some people who are secretly hiding it in their possession.  When RAMSI arrived here just after the ethnic crisis, one of…

Hageulu ready for first outing

HAGEULU panpipers from Isabel province will promote local culture when they participate in road shows over this weekend in Brisbane, Australia. The group will accompany the Prime Minister, Solomon Islands Visitors Bureau (SIVB) team and government officials, tomorrow. The local group will participate in two road-shows on September 14 and 16 organised exclusively by the…

Effect of the outcome-base education

I would like to raise some important aspects of the ‘Outcome-Base Curriculum’ or Outcome Base Education (OBE). Let me begin, by saying, large numbers of children in developing countries, including Solomon Islands receive little or no formal education. Solomon Islands is categorized as one of the developing nations in our world today. Likewise, Papua New…