Tovosia faces High Court trial

A PRE-TRIAL conference will be conducted on the election petition case of the Member of Parliament (MP) for East Guadalcanal, Bradley Tovosia on November 29. Judge Augustine Aulanga set the date on Wednesday after refusing to grant the application to strike out the petition filed against MP Tovosia and officers of the Electoral Commission. “Application…

Former VATUD MP acquitted 

FORMER Member of Parliament for Temotu VATUD Constituency and former Premier of Temotu Province, Clay Forau Soalaoi is now a free man after he was acquitted of the conversion charges against him. Principal Magistrate Fatima Taeburi on Friday 13th September found Soalaoi not guilty of all the 14 counts of conversion against him and acquitted him…

A step closer to implementation of Malaita Youth Hub project

THE Malaita Province Youth Council has expressed its gratitude following the receipt of $3 million for the construction of a historic Malaita Youth Hub. In 2022, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs (MWYCFA) and the Malaita Provincial Government for an initial budget $5 million. This initiative is part…

MP hails road maintenance support

THE Member of Parliament (MP) for Central Kwara’ae Constituency, Ricky Fuo’o, has expressed gratitude to the Australian government and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development (MID) for their significant support toward the Emergency Road Maintenance Project on South Road in Malaita. MP Fuo’o expressed his gratitude on the floor of Parliament this week after learning that transport services have recommenced along the South Road. This vital road is one…

PM opens energy summit

A two day ‘National Energy Summit’ was officially opened by Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele in Honiara this morning, Thursday.  Led by the Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification, the Summit’s topmost goal is addressing challenges broadly related to affordable energy security through affordable, sustainable and innovative solutions. Prime Minister Hon. Jeremiah Manele, delivering the…

SI hands over PNA chairmanship 

Solomon Islands formally handed over the Chairmanship of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) to the Federated States of Micronesian (FSM) this week. Outgoing Chairman and Solomon Islands Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Nestor Giro handed over the Chairmanship to his FSM counterpart at the 19th PNA Ministerial Meeting in Pohnpei on Tuesday,…

SI needs road, shipping network upgrades

A NEWLY launched World Bank report recommends the upgrading the Solomon Islands Road networks and enhancing inter-island shipping services to unlock new sources of economic growth. It also urges the government to revisit the Franchise Shipping Scheme. The report, titled Solomon Islands: Country Economic Memorandum – Unlocking New Sources of Economic Growth, which was launched…