TRANSPORT Operators and private vehicle owners in Malaita Province are calling on the Ministry of Infrastructure (MID) and the Malaita Provincial Government to address the deteriorated state of roads and culverts in the province.
The call was made after the heavy rain and flooding earlier this week damaged parts of the tar-sealed road and culverts at Anonakinaki in the West Kwaio Constituency.
The damaged road and culvert situation has badly affected the flow of traffic along the South Road.
Reports reaching Solomon Star Auki said the current road and culvert condition at Anonakinaki has slowed down the movement of people and transport services between Auki and the West Kwaio.
A transport Operator along the South Road, John Wane, confirmed that the flooding has damaged a significant portion of the road that connects West Kwaio and Central Kwara’ae and Aoke-Langalanga.
He said the situation of the road and culverts at Anonakinaki needs attention by MID to reallow the flow of traffic.
Mr Wane said the deteriorated road condition does not only affect transport operators but farmers and small-scale business holders who constantly travel to Auki to do business.
He said the National Government through MID must take swift action to repair the road and culverts at Anonakinaki.
“We need the road and the culverts to be fixed immediately. The situation is of great disturbance to people, especially those doing business, the market vendors and transport providers themselves.
Solomon Star, Auki