Head of Baegu Asifola Council chief Fr. Stephen Kete has thanked the Malaita Provincial Premier and his team for visiting and conducting awareness talks in Baegu Asifola constituency.
He was speaking during the Malaita Provincial Government awareness talk held at Uritao market on Sunday afternoon.
In his speech, Fr Kete thanked Premier Daniel Suidani and his team for humbling themselves by coming down to the rural areas to educate the people about what the MARA government is doing.
The Baegu Asifola House of Chief head said this is the first-ever provincial government and premier to have toured Baegu Asifola and conduct such awareness programs.
He said coming down to the rural areas is the right thing to do given the fact that most Malaitans reside in rural areas.
The chief who is also a church worker described the presence of Premier Suidani with the rural people of Baegu Asifola over the weekend as a humble step similar to when Jesus left his throne and came down to save humanity.
The chief said the ideas the premier and his team preach is widely welcomed in Baegu Asifola.
He said their presentation is loud and clear and people should support the Malaita Provincial Government in its undertaking to benefit the people and the province now and the years to come.