MISS Solomons contestant Sara Cave has defended her participation in this year’s show.
The part Australian-Solomon Islander came under scrutiny over the past days, with questions being raised about her eligibility.
On Wednesday, the 20-year-old contestant retorted:
“I originated from Malaita (Fataleka) and Rendova (Lokuru) as well as Australia.
“I was born at the National Referral Hospital in Honiara and later migrated to live in Australia for schooling.
“I am so honoured to be given the opportunity to be a contestant in the Miss Solomon Islands Pageant 2016.
“With the criticisms of me being raised in Australia and not possessing a Solomon Islands passport, I accept them. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.”
However, Ms Cave urged her critics to acknowledge that although she lived in Australia, she was born here and always returned home every time she had the chance.
“As soon as I arrive here, I am normally on a ship straight back to my village whether that be in the West or Malaita.
“My people know who I am and I know who they are. Because of this I know who I am as a Solomon Islander and the criticisms don’t phase me,” the 20-year-old stated.
She said to her, home was where her people are and she knows exactly the real struggles of home l.
“I think those who criticise me as a contestant don’t understand me as a person and will be quick to judge.
“Nevertheless, I hope that through competing for Miss Solomons they come to understand me more as a person. Home is never far from my thoughts.
“I am so thankful for the chance of living in Australia and I intend to use my opportunity to the fullest to help others.
“For those who criticise me for doing so, I say let them, but this will never discourage me from pursuing my dreams,” Ms Cave added.
Ms Cave also stressed that for her, competing in the Miss Solomons was a chance to inspire young girls to achieve their dreams and be the voice of change in this country.
“Something I’ve learnt from life is success comes through hard work. Although I am still a student, I have applied this lesson to all areas of my life.
“I was fortunate enough to have my mother as a role model and I hope that I can inspire young women like my mother inspired me.
“Because of this lesson I have been fortunate enough to achieve what I have at such a young age.
“From studying engineering to publishing a book, I owe these achievements to someone who inspired me,” she said.
Ms Sara Cave is a second year Bachelor Engineering student at the Queensland University of Technology, in Australia.