LOCAL honey bee farmers in North Malaita, Malaita province are being equipped with honey bee farming skills.
This was after the director of Temoana Honey Cope Company in Burnscreek area in east Honiara visited the farmers to train them.
John Andrew Kiri from North Malaita was quoted as saying the training has already covered three big communities in North Malaita starting last week and is now ready to enter West Fataleka region.
He said, farmers from Gagalu village and Walo secondary school attended the training last week and were happy.
“We were very happy with the training because it broadens our knowledge about honey bee farming in our local areas,” the group said.
Mr Kiri said, the aim of the training was to equip local farmers to breed more honey bees because local honey bees are paid at higher price.
It was highlighted the demand for such training is very high at the moment.
“It is very important for local farmers at home to do something for themselves at homes.”
Director Steward Polycarp said, next week, they will move to West Fataleka before going over Mbaegu/Asifola
Mr Polycarp said such training is important to support the local farmers.
He said, these rural farmers are lucky because they already have resources at their villages but skills and knowledge on how to run a business.
He thanked the farmers for their participation.
The training was made possible through negotiation between farmers and Mr Polycarp.