PREMIER of Temotu Province, Nelson Omar Menale had criticised the recent trip to Honiara by the member of the provincial non-executive, Fr.Brown Beu, as suspicious.
Premier Menale said his Executive strongly hold the view that Fr. Beu should be closely monitored to ensure he does not indulge in activities contrarily to good governance.
Premier Menale said Fr Beu’s is believed to have secret connections with a foreign owned company, Xiang Lin Timber Solomon Islands Limited, who wants to operate logging on Santa Cruz Island in Temotu Province.
“My Government rejects their license application because it will be destructive to our forests and the environment,” Mr Menale said
He accuses Fr Beu of supervising Temotu Provincial Secretary Sam Kafukese whom he alleged has vested interest in the company.
“I want to assure my people in Temotu your Government never entertain such corruption because this would hinder services to Temotu Province,” Menale said
“It’s a common practise for Beu that most times he left Lata for Honiara, the executive was not made aware of the reasons for his trips to Honiara.
Mr Menale also told the Solomon Star that the forestry land on Santa Cruz Island Fr. Beu has vested interest in carrying logging operation on is still owned by the state.
“I meet the Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare last December and we have discussed this forestry land must be returned to the land owners
“I was impressed with Sogavare’s comment that the Democratic Coalition for Change DCC Government fully supports it because it is in line with DCC policy
Menale said Sogavare has assured to him the ministry of forestry will bring a paper to cabinet to discuss the possibility of returning the alienated land to land owners.
Meanwhile former Temotu Premier Fr Beu has denied the allegations as unfounded.
Fr Beu said he had duly informed the provincial Executive about the purpose of his trip to Honiara.
“I categorically denied any connection with this company in fact I am in town this week to send my family back to Fiji and my children will continue their studies at USP Fiji.