The first bmobile-Vodafone travelling Cinema night was a huge success last Friday with the plantation works of GPPOL enjoying the movie, early Friday evening.
Reports reaching the paper said, the crowd of around 300 who showed up to watch was well behaved.
There was no disruptions at all during the movie including the no rain.
People appreciated the entertainment and felt it was a nice way to start the weekend.
The bmobile-Vodafone sale team showed all their new products and launched special promotions for android handsets and sim cards as part of the launching of their new 40 meter SST tower in GPPOL two.
All the handsets and sim cards were sold. Christina Paulusi is overseeing this travelling cinema and looks forward to this week’s event in Kakabona on Friday June 12th the weekend of the Queen’s birthday.
The movie next week is also superhero movie. She was delighted with both the picture quality and the sound ensuring that everyone could see and hear the entertainment.
The people who attended the movie gave the people of GPPOL a good name as they were both civil and courteous to the bmobile-Vodafone staff during the event and were very thankful of the effort to show them a movie in a cinematic format.