VEHICLE owners and drivers are being warned to check their vehicles properly before moving on our roads.
Supervising Kukum Traffic Director Brian Surimalefo made this call after a public bus was burnt to ashes yesterday at the Bahai area in Honiara.
He added it is drivers’ responsibility to check vehicles each day before moving.
The first thing that should be on a drivers’ check list is vehicle safety.
He said the cause of the incident was a mechanical problem.
The fire started inside the engine of the bus before moving out.
Mr Surimalefo said that they noticed smoke coming out and stopped immediately and escaped for their lives, both passengers and drivers.
He added the driver and his conductor come out from the bus and escaped in a car east ward.
The bus was travelling towards the east direction when the incident happen it.
Mr Surimalefo said that the police tried to rescue the bus but it was too late since flames had already engulfed it and only left behind a wreckage.
“This is a clear message that we vehicle owners need to check our vehicles all the time to avoid such incidents.
“It was so lucky that no life was lost in this incident,” Mr Surimalefo said.
This is the second time the police came across such incidents in Honiara.