THE bye-election date for Central Guadalcanal’s Vulolo Ward -Ward 19- is set for 21 December, 2022.
Minister of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening, Rollen Seleso, announced that the bye-election date in a gazetted election notice.
The election notice is a requirement by law which commences the 35 days election schedule for the conducting of provincial assembly elections.
Acting Chief Electoral Officer, Fredrick Bosoboe, highlighted that the publication of election notice in the gazette is an important requirement as it legally marks the start of the 35 days countdown to the polling day.
“According to the election notice schedule, 21st December 2022 is the polling day,” he said.
All intending candidates who want to contest the bye-election are required to submit their candidature nomination forms for the bye-election to the Returning Officer and Assistant Returning Officers as of tomorrow (today) and not later than 4.00 pm on the 23rd of November 2022.
The Nomination venue for this bye-election is the Guadalcanal Provincial Government Headquarters at the Ritaleven Building opposite the Pacific Casino in Central Honiara.
Nomination forms can be collected from the Registration and Assistant Registration Office at the Nomination venue.
To contest in this bye-election, a person must reach the age of 21, a citizen of Solomon Islands and must be a registered voter in any Ward within Guadalcanal Province.
All nominations must be accompanied with the receipt for nomination fee as proof of payment.
The nomination fee is $500 dollars and must be paid to the Guadalcanal Provincial Accounts Section at the Guadalcanal Provincial Headquarters.
Voters are encouraged to lookout for the election notices posted in their respective wards.
Solomon Star, Newsroom