OUR Telekom customers in Auki, Noro and Taro residents are enjoying reliable telecommunication services again after almost three months of disruption.
This came after the undersea submarine optic fibre cable was reconnected on Wednesday, thanks to the hardworking team from Optic Marine Services, Telstra and the small Solomon Islands Cable Company (SISCC) operations team.
It took about five days to work on the damaged cable after the cable ship Lodbrog arrived in the country a week ago.
In a statement confirming the completion of work, the Cable Company said, “SISCC are please to confirm that the repair has been completed and the domestic network is fully operational once again.”
“Our operator customers are now working on returning services to the cable system.
“Many thanks to the professional crew of the CS Lodbrog, Optic Marine Services, Telstra and Consultant Jim Bryne.
“Biggest thanks of all go to the small SISCC operations team who worked tirelessly round the clock in Noro, Auki and Honiara to assist in the repair and perform essential testing,” the statement said.
A lot of customers in the three provinces have acknowledged the teams for their hard work in restoring services.

Our Telekom, in a statement last Wednesday night, informed its valued customers about completion of the work and restoration of services.
“All our Services for Malaita and Choiseul have now been restored via the submarine fibre cable as of today (last Wednesday) ensuring improved access experiences.
“We will update you again when Western is restored. We extend our gratitude for your patience and support during this period.”
It is understood that service to the Western Province was restored as of last Thursday.
One of the technicians onboard the vessel, Matthew Savignac said after completing their work, the crew members had a brief visit into Honiara.
“After the repair completed, we’re enjoying a quick call in Honiara, Cheers from the Lodbrog crew!!” he posted online.
With the links now restored, all customers and businesses can now enjoy services from both communication provider.
The restoration of cable links to Auki, Noro and Taro also means the restoration of Bemobile services in Malaita, Western and Choiseul provinces after almost three months of service blackout.