Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Indigenous Chambers of Commerce Charles Dausabea has called for fairness and transparency in the selection of board members in Government’s entities.
Dausabea made this call after seeing that one person is holding number of positions in the different State Owned Enterprises (SOE) boards.
He gave an example of Peter Boyers, who is chairman of:
1. Solomon Islands National Provident Fund (SINPF) and South Pacific Oil Ltd,
2. a Board Director of Soltuna Ltd and Sasape International Slipway Ltd
3. and a Member of the Investment & Credit Committee.
Dausabea said different Ministries responsible for the appointment of board members need to take this into consideration because it is unfair to indigenous people of this country.
He added that there are capable Solomon Islanders, who don’t have business interests that can be appointed as chairman and members in these boards.
Furthermore, Dausabea said there are also loggers that are members of the boards.
“I think this needs to be stopped as well because they can influence decisions to follow their interests,” he added.