Murray McCully and Samiu Vaipulu are meeting today in Wellington to discuss the findings of a recent World Bank draft report on Tonga’s entire transport industry.
The review was announced in March, and was seen by many as a way forward in the dispute, which has New Zealand warning its residents that travel within Tonga could be dangerous due to the MA60 aircraft, that it says was not certified properly.
Melino Maka says he stands by Mr McCully’s stance, but something must be done to give people assurance, and to revive the tourism industry in Tonga.
“It’s actually beyond a joke now that both parties are in the trash talk and holding out, but at the same time Tonga’s economy is actually in a terrible state at the moment because the tourists are not going into Vava’u.”
The Chair of the Tongan Advisory Council in New Zealand, Melino Maka.