Team here for choral festival

The full team have arrived for the Solomon Islands Choral festival. In the country to help the Pasifika Events and Solomon Voices Choir host are the musical Maestro Igelese Ete, Fiji Youth Activist Peter Waqavonovono and Fiji Recording Artist, Eroni (the Heart) Dina. All persons are members of the Pasifika Voices choir, an artist in…

Inner Circle rocks Honiara

ON Sunday night, Jamaican reggae group Inner Circle put on an energetic performance leaving the crowd still yearning for more reggae beats. The band brought their special style of pop-oriented Jamaican beats and energy filled the crowd with live energy that sets Heritage Park Hotel car park into a reggae dance floor. The concert was…

Groups to stage live dress rehearsal

CULTURAL groups representing Solomon Islands in the upcoming 5th Melanesian Festival of Arts and Culture in Papua New Guinea will stage an exciting live dress rehearsal tomorrow at the National Museum Grounds. The one day free show will include traditional and contemporary performances (dance and music), a theatre performance by the Stages of Change Theatre…

Solo Icon audition kicks off

The 2014 Solo Icon audition kicks off on Sunday 25th May and 1st of June at the SIBC conference room in Honiara. This was part of a screening and selection process to handpick individuals who wish to be part of this year’s competition. The enrolment of individual’s enlisting for the competition started off last year…

DMP in Fiji to appeal for help

SOLOMON Island band Doorman Project (DMP) is in the country to perform a show to raise funds for flood victims in the Solomon Islands. The DMP band consists of six artists that have toured Australia and Papua New Guinea and this is their first tour in Fiji. USP Solomon Island Student Association president Roylex Sitana…

West plans agriculture mini show

The Western province is proposing to host an agriculture mini show, October this year in Munda. The three days show is to coincide with the 2014 world food day. The show is going to be funded by the national and provincial government through the national food security and enhancement program. Speaking to the Solomon star…

Australian film festival set

The Australian High Commission in Honiara has announced the presentation of the inaugural G’day Solomon Islands film festival commencing Friday 6 June. The festival will be held every Friday evening in June at the Honiara Art Gallery Grounds. Australian High Commissioner to Solomon Islands Andrew Byrne said this is an opportunity for families to have…