SSEC women end games

SOME 500 women from the South Seas Evangelical Church (SSEC) from 34 local churches in Honiara ended a day of sporting activities successfully during the weekend. Held at the Telekom recreational Hall on Saturday, the idea was to bring women from different SSEC local churches together.  Joyce Tua association secretary for SSEC women said friendly…

Mothers Union marks big day

Members of the Mothers Union in west Guadalcanal came together to celebrate and remember the founder of the Anglican Mothers Union around the world. The founder of the Mothers Union was Mary Sumner.  The celebration was held over the weekend at Maravovo village with more than 1000 people attending the event including members of communities.…

Pastor happy to get connected

A pastor of the Revival fellowship Centre of Dala north in West Kwara’ae, Malaita province has acknowledged Our Telekom for the launching of a new mobile tower in the area allowing the villages to get connected to the outside world through their mobiles. During the launching Our Telekom has managed to give out cell phones…

Solo icon into quarter

The Solo Icon competitions which attracted many youths over the weekends have entered into its quarter finals yesterday at the Aart gallery grounds. The event is being supported by the Australian high commission and organised by Global Youth Leadership Nexus. It consists of three categories namely the young executives, star school and senior which is…