Anglican students mark Patterson day

Anglican students of the Church of Melanesia at the University of the South Pacific in Laucala, Fiji commemorated the day of their first missionary John Pattison Coleridge last Saturday. To commemorate the day the students lead the main service followed with feasting and entertainments at Holy Trinity cathedral.Conducted by Father James Fakafu the service begins…

Aisiko hosts Sunday school training

A three day program for Anglican Sunday School teachers and children was held at Aisiko Parish, Central Kwara’ae Malaita province over the weekend. The program was co-organized through a partnership of Dukwasi and Aisiko parish and was held at Abetaba’a community in Aisiko parish from Friday to Sunday. Sunday school ministries from both parishes took…

Gender based violence workshop starts

A THREE days workshop on gender based violence (GBV) for nurses, Church women’s group leaders and chiefs from communities around Auki kicks off yesterday. The workshop is being facilitated by gender based violence (GBV) coordinator, Auki reproductive health coordinator and Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association (SIPPA) men as partners. This program was the first of…

Women celebrate peace day

Women of North Central Guadalcanal converged at the Navola community in North Central Guadalcanal yesterday to celebrate2014 international day of peace(IDP) Voice Blo Mere Solomons (VBMS) together with Winds of Change organized the event. Women participants came from a number of communities such as Vulu, Sopapera, Dodo Creek and Fox Wood villages and parts of…

SSEC women gains from outreach program

THE South Seas Evangelical Church (SSEC) women from the Honiara association have attended a two-day outreach service program at the Tulagi SSEC church during the weekend. The outreach program which is held four times every year was attended by some 300 women from SSEC local churches within Honiara. Honiara women’s association coordinator Unity Fanasia said…