Why can’t women win? Impediments to female electoral success in Solomon Islands

IN a newly published book and discussion paper at the Australian National University, Writer Terence Wood talked about why women always fail in elections in the Solomon Islands. The paper discusses impediments to female candidate success in national elections in the Solomon Islands. The paper stated that increased female representation in parliaments is desirable both…

Markets vendors end training

A TRANSFORMATION Leadership and Communication training for Market Vendors in Auki ended Tuesdayat the Rarasu Restaurant. The training was funded by the Australian Government, through the UN women’s Market 4 change project. The training was conducted to give market vendors the skills they need in relation to Transformation, Leadership and Communication. Puairana Gaylyn, National Project…

Training to advocate for women starts

A Transformative Leadership, Media, Gender and Elections training has kick off on Monday in Honiara. The training is organised by Vois Blong Mere Solomon in partnership with UN Women’s Strongem Mere Project for mainstream and community media in preparation for the upcoming National Election.  The overall goal of the training was to promote transformational leadership…

Big gathering for COM mothers underway

Anglican Church of Melanesia’s Mothers’ Union representatives from the provinces are gathering in Honiara this week to elect new office bearers. The week-long meeting held at St Barnabas Cathedral started on Monday. It is the 13th general meeting whereby a number of issues relating to Mothers Unions will be discussed including the election of a…

Lifelong rebel with a cause

After a busy morning speaking at a violence prevention forum and dealing with a batch of media interviews and countless handshakes, Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre coordinator Shamima Ali finally has a few hours to relax until her next meeting in the evening. As a prominent and highly respected figure in the Pacific for her championing…

What Mothers Union is

MANY may not be familiar with what is Mothers Union (MU) and what this Christian organisation is doing. On a fundraising held a fortnight ago at Iron Bottom Sound hotel, the church of Melanesia Mothers Union president Edith Koete highlighted the history of MU. Some guests at the fundraising have came to know MU is…