Spiritual retreat: For PNG-SI delegation

About 20 Salesians had the opportunity to spent time in prayer and reflection at the Emmaus Conference Centre, Port Moresby.  The retreat commenced on the 29th June and concluded on the 5th July 2014.  The group spanned 50 years with the youngest being 26, while the wisest was 76 years old.  14 salesians made the…

St Peter Day marked

PEOPLE around Ferasubua have gathered over the weekend to celebrate the patron saint Peter’s day at the All Saint church in Honiara. St Peter church in Ferasubua is one of the local churches within the Ngongorefou parish in Diocese of Malaita. In the Anglican Church of Melanesia’s lectionary, the event fails annually on the 29…

High School Choral Fest Next week

THE Inauguration of the Solomon Islands High School Choral Fest is set down for July 8-10 at the National Museum’s Auditorium. The theme for the choral festival is, “Powerful beyond measure”, with an aim of inspiring, empowering, and uplifting young people through the Pacific Performing arts. A team from the Pacifika Voices that was led…

Artists urged to promote local style

A local artist well-known for wood block printing has urged his colleagues to keep promoting local style of arts. Hendry Kalamani made the call after realising some local artists are drifting away and adopting more foreign concepts. “We should promote our culture, identity and customs by exposing it through our work, which we can then…

Micro-finance seeks to empower women

THE Gizo Environment Livelihood Conservation Association (GELCA) savings club has been applauded for its role to economically empower women. The GELCA savings club is a component of the Inshore Fish Aggregating Devices (IFAD) that seeks to empower rural women from communities of Gizo, Nusatuva and Kolombangara. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) country manager Shannon Seeto said…

Women end cooking training

FOUR women have successfully completed a three-day basic cooking and baking skill training for grassroots and rural women in Auki, yesterday. This was the second of such training organised by the Malaita Provincial Government’s Women’s Division, which was aimed at empowering women with these skills with the vision to equip them start up their own…

Women complete basic training

About 22 women and four men in Florida Island, Central province completed a weeklong basic cooking and floral art training last month. The training was conducted at Roderick Hideaway accommodation. Last Friday most of them received their certificates. Managing director of Green Tourism Solomon Island Ltd Michael Tokuru officially handed them thier certificate to them…