Dedication prayer to flood victims

The Diocese of Auki Saint Augustine Cathedral celebrated the Palm Sunday with dedication prayer to the flood victims of Honiara and Guadalcanal. The Sunday service also saw Sunday school students of Rade and Oibla communities celebrating their first Holy Communion. In his pray of dedication, Bishop Chris Cardon asked diocesans to pray and remember the…

Miracle to Aust for youth camp

A local gospel singing group – Miracle left for Australia early this week to participate in a youth program. The tour was made possible through an invitation from South Australia conference of the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) church. The group will take part in singing during the youth camp at Tanuda, South Australia. The group…

Mere’s market set

Solomon Islands Women in Business Association (SIWIBA) will be hosting this year’s second Mere’s Market from 23rd -25th April at the Ports Authority ground near Commonwealth Street. SIWIBA president Mrs Dalcy Tekulu said: “the key focus of the Mere market is to provide an avenue for our women to participate in economic activities.” She further…