Market vendors working collectively to bring about positive change at Honiara Central Market

Market vendors from the Honiara Central Market Vendors’ Association (HCMVA) will work together to make the Honiara Central Market a safe, healthy and economically conducive workplace for all by strengthening communication with Market Management, representing market vendors’ needs and interests and identifying opportunities for market vendors to learn and develop new skills. The market vendors…

Noni oil supports family

ART Gallery in Honiara is busy this week with the hosting of the youth market. A number of youths and people are taking the opportunity to sell and promote their products. One of the mothers who also took the opportunity to promote her product is Hannah Akquilla, 44 from Kakara village in West Kwarae’e. At…

Adaliua Church building dedicated

THE newly permanent constructed Adaliua South Sea Evangelical Church (SSEC) building in east Honiara was officially dedicated on Saturday. This was after the community has completed the facility early this year. According to the chairman of the building Samuel Satini, the building was constructed since 2012. Mr Satini stated that the new building was built…

Dorcas members feed the sick

SICK patients at the National Referral Hospital (NRH) on Sunday afternoon got a bit of change in their diet after members of the Dorcas society visited them and provided them with food. Members of the Dorcas came from the three main districts within Honiara. The program on Sunday is part of the Dorcas’ annual event…

Church donates blood to hospital

Church members of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints of Solomon Islands recently donated to the low level of the Blood Bank at National Referral Hospital (NRH) in Honiara. It is customary for people to donate blood to assist only their close family members in times of a medical emergency. But Self- Reliance Centre Coordinator of…