CHRISTIANS in the Pacific Islands region, including the eight Miss Pacific Islands Pageant (MPIP) 2025, have been urged to be the prophetic voice in their respective settings and the wider region on crucial issues. That was the underlying message of the sermon delivered at the Holy Eucharist Service at Anglican Church of Melanesia’s (ACOM’s) Saint…

Elomana SDA Church gets support

THE Member of Parliament (MP) for South New Georgia Rendova and Tetepare (SNR&T) Constituency, David Gina has kept his election promise to Elomana Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ughele village in Ward 18 of South Rendova, Western Province. MP Gina promised that he will fully support the Elomana church building project during the 2024 National General…

CKC office supports local churches

THE Central Kwara’ae Constituency (CKC) Office has rolled out its first batch of projects for local churches in the electorate as of last week.  A total of six churches have received support under the constituency’s Church Grant Project made possible by tax-payers. Some of the churches benefiting from the initiative are: Materials for these projects…