Maranatha Children’s Ministry tours Malaita

The Honiara-based Maranatha Children____s Ministry of the Seventh Day Adventists Church is currently on a week long outreach program to Auki, Malaita province. The children ministry which consisted mainly of children of aged between 11-18 is currently doing their children ministry outreach program helping various communities including a clinic and Kilu’ufi hospital in the province.…


MORE than 300 children participated in the two day Sunday school rally for Holy Cross Catholic Parish over the weekend. Catholic Media officer Camillus Kole said Catholic Archbishop His Grace Chris Cardone closed the rally on Saturday. Archbishop Cardone reminded the gathering that children are gifts from God and it is important to involve them…

Diocesan Synod underway at Fourau

THE diocese of Malaita (DOM) in the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) on Sunday officially opened their 20th Diocesan Synod at Fourau village, Eastern Region of the Diocese. The program begun with a colorful welcome ceremony on Saturday afternoon. More than 150 Synod delegates led by the Bishop of Malaita, the Right Reverend Sam Sahu…