Youth groups get financial help

A TOTAL of eight religious youth groups from the North Guadalcanal Constituency are recipients of the constituency’s Church grant. Member of Parliament for North Guadalcanal Constituency, Samson Maneka revealed an amount of $100, 000 is ready to assist church groups. He clarified this is the second tranche of the $250, 000 Church grant that will…

Students urged to respect new facilities

Kilusakwalo Christain Community High School (KCCHS) students have been urged to look after their new learning facilities for the benefit of the current and future students. Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development Undersecretary Ambrose Malefoasi made the call yesterday when he officially handed over the new science and home economic labs over to the…

Priest died in Vanuatu

A priest of Anglican Church had died in Vanuatu over the weekend. Moffat Aio, from Ata’a in Baegu Asifola, Malaita province passed away after a short illness. He lived in Vanuatu for about four years after an ordination in Honiara. His body arrived on Sunday for a funeral at Bishop Dale church at Rifle range,…

CEF training ends

ABOUT 40 Sunday School teachers from the South Seas Evangelical Church (SSEC) in the West Kwara’ae Association 3, recently completed a seminar on Child Evangelism Fellowship training. The week-long training whichwas held at Busurata SSEC church was aimed to equip all Sunday school teachers in the association and to train them on how to teach…

Jehovah’s convention set

JEHOVAH’S Witnesses are inviting the public to attend their 2016 Remain Loyal to Jehovah! Regional Conventions. The three-day program at the Kukum Kingdom Hall will feature 49 presentations, each exploring the theme of loyalty. Additionally, the Witnesses have prepared 35 video segments specifically for the program plus two short films that will be shown on…

Children receive Holy Communion

A TOTAL of 15 children from Chapuru community in Northwest Guadalcanal have received Holy Communion for the first time last Sunday. John Toki reported that these children had decided to take part of the communion which is part of the body of Christ. “Thank you everyone for your acceptance to part take of Christ’s body,”…

7 Babies baptised

Seven babies from Chapuru community in Sagalu ward, northwest Guadalcanal received the Sacrament of baptism by the sprinkling water for the first time over the weekend. Solomon Star Northwest Guadalcanal Stringer John Toki said that it was officiated by Fr Peter Chele, acting Parish priest. “This is the way forward for the children,” Fr Chele…