Dorcas Federation underway in Lokuru

THE Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) Dorcas Federation is currently underway in Lokuru in Rendova Island, Western Province. More than 300 Dorcas from SDA Churches in Rendova, Marovo and Gatokae (REMAGATO) are attending this religious event. Minister of the Tirongo SDA Church of Baniata Community, Ken Silas confirmed this federation to Solomon Star in an interview yesterday.…

PM attends Bethesda Disability Centre graduation

Prime Minister (PM) Jeremiah Manele and Madam Joycelyn Manele have graced the Bethesda Disability Training and Support Centre graduation ceremony this week with their presence. The graduation was held at Bethesda’s Henderson Training Centre, east of Honiara.    Operated under the South Sea’s Evangelical Church (SSEC), Bethesda Disability Training Centre specialises in providing high quality inclusive…